Marcia - my boss over at The Stamp Spot has some exciting news to share. Along with another talented blogging friend of mine, Tracey Feeger, they are starting up Anya Ink - an Australian based 'The Greeting Farm' challenge blog, that is open to everyone. And they are not just after cards, but whatever and however you use your Anya's, Ian's and Wild Sprouts! And it's launching THIS SUNDAY!!!! So pop on over and check it out here.
Marcia is also celebrating her 2nd blogaversary - GO MARCIA!!!! To celebrate she's offering some fabulous blog candy here - but hurry - it's ending this Sunday.
It's also made me think about my friends and how many I have never even met IRL!!! Blogging has become such a huge part of my life - and mainly because of the wonderful people I have "met" from around the world!! Thanx guys for being on the other side of the keyboard!
Hey Debbie ... I have so enjoyed being on the other side of your keyboard! Having you as a blog friend has really been so special and I always look forward to visiting your blog! (I just find it hard when my downloads run out before the end of the month ... and my hubby bans blog hopping!!!) Always know that if I haven't visited recently there is a good reason ... because yours is an absolute favourite place to visit!!! Keep up the great inspiration. Hugs, Andrea xxx
You know how I feel about you being on the other side of the keyboard! I can't wait for the day when we meet in person. We'll have a helluva good time, no doubt!
I'll check out Anya Ink. Can't have too much fun with Anya (and all things TGF), now can you?
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