
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Excitement at Debbie P's Place

Well I've finally managed to put together a little bit of Blog Candy to celebrate my recent Blogaversary! I can't believe it's only been a little over a year since I started stamping! I started my blog fairly soon after I started stamping - you should go back and check out my first efforts - I was sooo proud of them - LOL. But we all start somewhere and I feel I'm where I need to be now.

You'll notice a couple of my embroidery sewn pieces in my blog candy - I've done some snowflakes and a couple of polar bear candy cane holders - I've popped a candy cane in one on the picture to show you but I won't be sending the candy through the mail - I'm worried it may get sticky and go all over everything!

You have to be in it to win it!!! Just leave me a comment - and please number them for me. That's all you need to do! I'm happy to post to anywhere as I love people visiting me from all over the place and have made some fabulous friends through my blog.

EDIT - You guys can give up the numbering, it just seems to be confusing everyone - I'll work it out - LOL. Thanx for trying though!!!

I'll be picking a winner next Saturday - October 24th at 4pm AEST - or thereabouts - LOL

Now I also have to apologise for my lack of posts over the past few days - and I haven't much for the next few either!! I suffered a migraine in the middle of the week and had the library workshop yesterday to prepare for - so no personal crafting has been done! Ah well!

My migraine was MUCH improved though when I heard I was one of the Creatalicious Challenges winners with my snowflake card - and I also won Tracey's UStamp Free Pass - I got all this fabulous news within a 5 minute quick stop on my laptop to check in - woohooo - thanx gals for this wonderful boost to my week!

Wishing all of you some good news...and good luck with the blog candy!



Sue said...

Wow, count me in. I Love those snowflakes, I'm crossing my fingers. Thanks Deb for the opportunity. Feel Better.

Cheryl said...

WOOHOO congrats on your blogoversary,I love your handmade snowflakes!!! I hope you feel better soon!!

Annette Bowes said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary, you are just too talented embroidery sewn snowflakes and polar bears, they are beautiful. Just off to have a look at start, hope you are 100% soon and more congratulations on your wins, enjoy the rest of your weekend, take careX:)

Bec said...

Debbie, Congrats on your blogoversary, I agree those embroidery snowflakes looks stunning. The winner of this candy will be so happy with that stash.. I also hope you feel better soon.. You should get your prize from Cheryl and I this week.. I posted it Saturday for you..i hope yo like the stamp i chose for you.. Take Care, Bec xx

Merry said...

Congrats Debbie on your blogaversry...I can't believe you have only been stamping a year. You do such beautiful cards. Love those snowflakes also and was going to check where you had bought them from but you made them. clever lady. Thansk for the chance in your candy. Hope the head is clear now.

Merry said...

Ooops that would be #5

Norma said...

Debbie, here I thought I would be lucky number 7, (sigh) but Merry forgot her number the first time--oh well, lucky number 6? LOL. Congrats on your blogoversary. Your embroidered snowflakes are fabulous. Wow, another talent under you hat! Hope your migraine will be gone soon. Take care!


Carole RB said...

Hi Debbie
Happy first blogoversary. Your snowflakes are wonderful. Nice work.
Thanks for giving us a chance to win this great blog candy.

Leonie said...

I see Carole skipped straight to eight so I guess that makes me lucky #7 lol! Debbie, it is such a pleasure visiting your blog, and the comments you must spend hours dishing up all over the country never fail to thrill me! Thank you for YOUR contribution to "Blog Land", we are a better place for having your blog this past year! mwah!

Sharon (Stitches on Mars) said...

Congratulations on the wins Deb. I'm sure your snowflake helped.
I can't believe you've been doing this for a year already. It seems longer Ha Ha

Chat Noir said...

*10 Well, Sharon would have been #9 if she'd put in a number!! Happy Blogoversary (what a word?1?), and you richly deserve all the compliments you've been getting. Thanks for all your support for me over my papery journey too... isn't it interesting to go back to the beginning and look at what we were so proud of then, and how much we've all changed??

Lots of love

Fran said...

#11 - don't know if this will be lucky #11, but i hope so. I love your snowflakes, just the thing for xmas time crafting! I can't believe you have only been stamping for a year, your work is so amazing and i can only hope to be half as good when i reach my first stamping/blogaversary.

Leigh said...

#12 Oh no Debbie, a migraine?? They are the worst. I know, I get them too. Hope you are much better now. Congralations on your wins, definitely well deserved. Also congratulations for one year of stamping and blogging, you certainly don't stamp and colour like a beginner. Wonderful work.

Tanya said...

Hi Debbie!!! Happy Blogoversary!!!
Thanks for your beautiful blog and fantastic works!
Awesome candy!!!!! Thank you for the chance to win!!! Welcome to my blog(I have too Birthday candy)
Love and hugs...

Jean McKenzie said...

#13 Wow Debbie, what a great blog candy!! Congratulations on your wins and thank you for sharing all your beautiful work. And all in only twelve months? You are just so talented! I love those handsewn snowflakes and bears!!

Sharon said...

#15 Hi Debbie, was thinking about you heaps yesterday. Really wanted to drop by but had too many things on. Glad that you a feeling better. I get debilitating migraines as well. Dr's can't find the right medication for me. Sorry that you get them too.

Wasn't sure about the numbers but I went back through and counted the messages so I think I have the correct number.

Love looking at your projects they are fabulous!

Congratulations on your Blogaversary!

Take Care Sharon,
P.S. Look forward to catching up for a coffee.

sandra said...

If I follow countdown I'm #16,but for real I'm #17.

Ramona Michaluk said...

Happy Blogaversary Debbie! Wow 12 months already since you started and look how far you've come!!
Go Girl :-)
Thanks for the opportunity to try to win some of your Blog Candy.
Ramona xx

Lisa said...

Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!! Happy blogaversary =)

Annemarie said...

oohhh!! The snowflakes are soo gorgeous!!!
Love to win those.

craftieodmae said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary and your winnings!! Thats fantastic. Glad you are feeling better, being sick is never fun. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Yvonne said...

Well congratulations on your first blogaversary!
Thanky ou for the chance to win this wonderful candy. I am off to link you x

craftieodmae said...

okay girl, I went and had a look into the past, your stamping was fantastic, those candles with the ice skaters!!!! And I loved the tea light holders, gives me an idea, you rocked back then too!!

Катерина said...

Happy blogavesary! Great candy!

Kimmi said...

Hello Debbie.

Sorry you were feeling poorly. Hope you can get back to some blogging normality soon! Well done on winning the challenges, those snowflakes are gorgeous! Thanks for offering up some blogaversary candy - Well done on a year of gorgeous cards from day one to the present!


Kimmi xx

Penni said...

OMG what beautiful snowflakes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win your Candy!!!

I've put a link on my sidebar for you and I've become a follower too.


carpediem said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! I love to visit your blog! Thanks for offering the chance to win! laura j

SVIT said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! Such a yummy candy! I love the snowflakes!!! And your blog is really great! I am happy to join you.
I put a link to your candy on my side bar:

mitch1066 said...

happy blogaversary:)
Love the snowflakes,id consider myself something of an expert here in canada,we do get a lot of them lol.Is it an emdoidery machine you use for them??

Andrea said...

Great candy, thanks for the chance to win. I posted your candy on my blog here.
Hugs Andrea

Julye said...

happy anniversary and glad your migraine is improving they can be so debilitating. Thanks for the chance to win. If I am lucky enough to win I'm away from next saturday for a week so it would be a wonderful suprise to come home to thanks Julye

Mo said...

Happy Blogaversary Debbie! Your Blog is great as your candy is - thanks a lot for the chance to win it !!!

Анюта said...

Welcome to my blog, I have candy too..)
Thanks for the chance to win.

rinat said...

congratulations on your first blogaversary!

Thanks for the chance to win.

Chantelle said...

Congrats on the anniversary of your blog Debbie - your creations always inspire me, especially your colouring in - it's fantastic. Hope you don't get another migraine too soon - I get them too and they are very unpleasant. Take care

Jane said...

Love your site... I hope you don't mind but I stole your banner and put it up on my site bar as a link to your site for my mere few followers... your cards are really lovely! I love your use of textures and colours.

I would really like to be entered into your blog anniversary draw! Congrats on that by the way!

Good luck everyone and thanks for a chance to win!

Life Full of Sunflowers said...

Hey Debbie - I hope you are feeling better. I haven't been by in a while to say hello - it's been so crazy here at home and at work. I always enjoy visiting and am amazed at the great work you do. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and look forward to many more.


Anonymous said...

40) thanks for a chance.

Proud To Be Niqabi said...

#41 What a wonderful Candy!! Thanx for this chance!! :D

Viva said...

Hi Debbie!!
Here, I sent you my comment to your awesome Blog-Candy!!
Maybe I am lucky and win it!!
All the best, Ulrike

Cynthia Vasquez said...

I just found your blog! Happy blogaversaryyy! Count me in!


noga said...

like to find your blog
great candy! thank you.

Natalie Z said...

Debbie, Congrats on your blogoversary. I agree those embroidery snowflakes looks stunning.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs Fifi.

Ελένη said...

#46 Happy Blogoversary!!! Great candy. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Just count me in!
Valeriavaleria [at] gmail [dot] com

helencreaty1 said...

hi congratulations on your blogaversary , thakns a lot for the chacne to win this great candy , i ve linked your candy and my sidebar , and i hope to be the lucky winner =),have a nice weekend
# 48

Kris said...

Sorry to hear about the migraine since they are awful but glad to hear about all your good news. Congrats on your blog anniversary. You do a great job.

Jenny V. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenny V. said...

#50 - Happy Blogaversary.Congrats on being the winner for the challenges. I love the snowflakes. Thanks for the chance to win.

Rosa K said...

#51 - Hi Debbie,
Congratulations on your blogaversary, i ve linked your candy and my sidebar!!!

Tamar B said...

WOW. Great Candy!!

Happy Blogaversary and many more to come.

Thanks for a chance to win

Regards from Israel


Joy said...

Hi, I'm a new girl thsat follow your blog, congratulations for your anniversary. My number #29

Regards from Guanajuato in Mexico

Christine Henderson said...

Think the numbers might be getting a little out of order. I'll put myself down as #54. Love love love your blog!Hope you keep it going for many more anniversaries!!!

Kate said...

CONGRATS on the blog anniversary! I just love this site (I'm a newbie at card making) and you give me so much inspiration to keep on attempting :)


Annie said...

Congratulaions on your blogoversary Debbie. Your embroidery snowflakes are wonderfully unique

Thanks for the chance to win!

cheers Annie

Nancy said...

Happy blogaversary to you, Debbie:O) Look at those snowflakes, WOW they have to be some of the most delicate piece of work I have seen! WOW!!!
Well, I would love to win your sweets, I have linked your candy on my sidebar, and will cross my fingers:)
Thanks for the chance!
Hugs, Nancy;O)

♥ Yolanda ♥ said...

Congrats on your blogoversary, Debbie! Where did the time go? Hope you're feeling better.

I've linked your candy to my sidebar.

Hugs and many happy blogoversary's to you :).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Blogaversary. I love coming to your blog and seeing your latest creations. You do an excellent job.


Ewelina said...


Congratulations. I put link to your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for a chance to win.

Diamond Doll said...

Hiya Debbie, congrats on your Blogaversay.What yummy candy those snowflakes are just Fab and i,d love to be able to use them on my xmas card.Thanx for the chance.
Trish (-:

Unknown said...

NIce BLOG! those snowflakes look cute!


sydneygirl7 said...

Hi Debbie, I often check out your site and always find it inspiring -I love the polar bear. Congratulations on your blogaversary.

Glennis F said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary.
What a great prize you have put together, I would love to be the winner
Thanks for the chance

Chook said...

Happy Blogaversary Debbie. Love those snowflakes too. I can't believe you've only been into card making for such a short time. I always admire your creations.

Queen La Rubba said...

Super Blog! I have added your candy to my blog under the blog candy listing with a link back to you!!! Thank you for the op to possibly win!
Rachael D
Queen La Rubba

Natalie said...

My congratulations on your Blogaversary! I have posted a link to your candy on my sidebar and would like to take part in the draw.
Thanks for the chance!

Kaisuliina said...

Greetings from Finland!

Lynda said...

Sincere congrats on the Blogaversary Debbie!!! LURVE the polar bears...too cute. Of course the snowflakes are v v speccy too. I want to thank you for the inspiration u have provided me since I stumbled across ur blog...and have stalked ever since!! I hope there are many more....-aversaries to come. 00xx

Lynda said...

Sincere congrats on the Blogaversary Debbie!!! LURVE the polar bears...too cute. Of course the snowflakes are v v speccy too. I want to thank you for the inspiration u have provided me since I stumbled across ur blog...and have stalked ever since!! I hope there are many more....-aversaries to come. 00xx

Karyn S said...

wow, congratulations. I love looking at your blog, so inspiring! We all love Candy too!

Robyn said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. So love your work, and look forward to seeing heaps more from you. Thanks for the chance.

Margreet said...

Hi Debbie...congrats on your bloaversary...what a stunning embroidery snowflakes you've have a fab blog!...hope you feel better soon!
xxx Margreet

Carol said...

Hey Debbie...Congrats on your blogaversary...There is sooo much yummy candy there.....oh...what I could do....those snowflakes...yummmm
Thanx for the chance to win..

LINDA said...

WOW!! This is some really awesome candy.. Thank you for a chance to win.. Hugs, Linda
Love those snowflakes!!

Linda said...

Wow what a great candy! I´ll hope I win it! =)

I´ve linked to your blog and wrote some about the candy in my blog on the left side-bar:

... and of course I´m spreading the word about this! =)
(Stockholm, Sweden)

Margaret de Witt said...

Wow Debbie, I didn't realize you have only been stamping for a year now - I've always loved your work. You have incredible talent.
Congratulations Debbie on your blogoversary.

Heike said...


Wow, this is a wonderful candy!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Happy Birthday, Mausel from Germany

Kiki said...

Such a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win all these goodies.

Hugs, Kiki

mae said...

Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!! Happy blogaversary!!!nº81

HazelQ said...

Lovely candy Debbie, thank you for the chance to win! Congratulations on your blog-anniversary I hope you feel better now, without the migraine. The snowflakes are gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...


Hi Debbie,

Congratulations. Very nice cards, ah. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity to win some yummies!!!
Angelica Chimal

Unknown said...

Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win such great candy.

Σοφία said...

Thanks for the chance to win it!

Gurkiss Scrappande said...

I do not won´t to miss this candy :)

I hope you feel better now.

Hugs Gurkiss

scrapbygladys said...

I think that I am the 87th's !!!!
Congrats on your blogoversary.
Hope you feel better.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I put a link on my blog.
Hugs from Brazil!

Lisa Hjulberg said...

I step away from the blog surfing for a couple of days and what do we have here! What lovely blog candy, Debbie. Happy Belated Blogaversary! I for one am happy you started blogging...otherwise, we would never have met! And congrats on the two wins... that particular snowflake card was gorgeous and very deserving. You'll have to share with us what you learn at UStamp.

Here's to no more headaches and lots more stamping!


♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

Whoo hoo congrats Debbie!! Love the candy too fingers crossed.

Karyn S said...

Debbie, You have lots of gorgeous cards on this blog. what an inspiration. I love your colouring!

Doina said...

Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

gocanucksgo said...

Hi Debbie! Happy blogaversary!! Brand new follower here and i'm totally loving your creations. Thanks for doing this fantastic giveaway. Keep up the great work =)

Andrea L - EnchantINK said...

Well ... now I am feeling very depressed!!! I offered blog candy for my 50,000 hits and had only 2 participants!!! (Still hoping for more!) You offer blog candy and alreay have over 90 comments!!! How do you do that??? I guess it is the Design Teams that you are on!!??? I wish .... Anyway, the reason I stopped by was to congratulate you on your WIN at Bizzy Becs!!! Woo hoo!!! Another DT for you!!! And ... wow! You also won a freebie to U-Stamp!!! You are on a roll. I am soooooo happy for you Debbie!!! Enjoy! Hope your migraine is feeling better and we see some personal stamping soon! (I have been the same between organising my GNI & taking Sandy to the hospital I just haven't had time for stamping ... but am determined to do some soon!) Big claps for Debbie! You sooooooooo deserve your wins! Hugs, Andrea xxx

Unknown said...

Congratulaions on your blogaversary, it's very exciting. Thnaks for to chance to win.

Marcia @ Pretty Things said...

Happy Blog Birthday Debbie, one year, thats a great achievement.

And congrats on the win over at Creatilicious!

:) Marcia

Karyn S said...

Happy Blogaversary!

SwettaKonfetta said...

let me to take part:)

Janette said...

I am soooo very happy to have found your blog,that candy and those snowflakes....devine.....thankyou so much for the chance to win them,hugs Janette.x

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful candy! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Aladori said...

Happy blogversary and best wishes! :)

Tracey Feeger said...

Oh wow Debbie this is just amazing candy. Hmmmmm I am number 102 if that makes a difference but you have given up. Hahaha love love love those snowflake paper doilies. Tell me where you got them....please please please.

Loz said...

Love your embroided snowmen, what a great idea! And the snowflakes are fab also! Thanks.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Wonderful candy, and I'd love the chance to win. I'm like you, proud of my early work, but even more so now!

Karyn S said...

Congratulations! what gorgeous embroidered snowflakes.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the blogaversary. It's always exciting to get to a milestone.
Hope you have a wonderful day.

Rachel B said...

Congratulations on a year of the blogging world and a year of stamping. It is the greatest outlet isn't it! We all start somewhere, and I have seen what is in my photo gallery from when I started *thank goodness I wasn't blogging then! I love your blog. Keep up the beautiful creations!

Unknown said...

#108 ?

This candy so nice.
thanks for the chance to win.
I am linked you on my sidebar

Edith said...

Congratulaions on your blogoversary, Debbie. Your snowflakes are great!

Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful candy!


Karyn S said...

Congratulations Debbie! Blog Candy - woweeeeeeee!

Lynn said...

111# Hi Debbie, I have a sweet tooth for sweets but what do you have with blog candy?..Absolute bliss..By the way congrats on your
Blogaversary!!Well worth it:)

Omi said...

#112 Hi! your candy is so sweet! Congratulations on your blogoversary!

Amaly said...

Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful candy!

Andreja - kokos said...

Wow, awesome candy!!!
I have added your link on my blog
in the sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Hugs, Andreja

Karine Morais Balabuch said...

Hi Debbie!Great Candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I've linked your candy on my blog sidebar.
Hugs from Brasil!

Kimmie said...


Hi Debbie!

What a nice candy!
I've put you're candy into the sidebar of my blog and became you're follower!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Katarina said...

Great candy - very cute snowflakes. Happy blogoversary. I had mine in september. Isn't it wonderful to meet and be inspired by all these bloggers?

ChinaCatSunflower said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!!!!
Good luck all!!!

Charmaine Black said...

Hi Debbie, wow! I can't imagine ever having that many hits on my blog, Well done and a very happy Blogaversary to you! Your work is very inspiring, thanks for sharing your talent with us, lots of inky hugs from Charmaine :-)

Karyn S said...

congratulations!!! what beautiful creations you make.

Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! It is amazing how we meet all these Fabulous new friends through this craft/obsession of ours .... anyway CHEERS!

Ange XxX

Belyona said...

# 122.
Thank you for your candy and a chance to win! :)
My link is on a left sidebar

Natasha from Russia :)

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Congrats on your blogoversary!I love your handmade snowflakes!
Thank you for so lovely candy and a chance to win!

Karyn S said...

Congratulations Debbie. what a wonderful blog. such beautiful cards.

Sally Richardson said...

What a wonderful achievement....
I can see you have a great time with putting together your candy and also that you have a great time stamping... am just a newbie to stamping... but lovin it!

Sally Richardson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paperscissors said...

congrats on all your happy news that improved your feeling of well being ...there is something to be said about happiness and overall health...and crafters are the ones to spread that good feeling. happy blogoversary and i did look back to your first postings and as with many of us our first posts do not display our confidence but once we get the feedback and support from other talented people we step up our game and deliver. good times and good health

Regina said...

hello Debbie
Congrats! That's a great cause for celebration and a beautiful candy!

Thank you so much for being generous enough to offer such gorgeous candy to win!

Greetings from Germany - Regina

kaos said...

Hey Debbie

First: congrats to a great blog - I just found it but will definitely come back to check out future works!
I really like your design!


Эmilkina said...
Very nice Blog Candy. that's sooooo generous ! I'm here sitting hoping with my fingers crossed
I linked you on my blog,
thanks for the chance to win and i'm a follower....

my craft and art creations said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!great blog candy!!
hope to be lucky!!
Greetingw from greece!!

Gisele said...

132. Oi, que lindo esse prêmio.
Espero ser a sortuda!!!


Татьяна Шаргородская said...


Great candy! Thanks for the chance...

Karyn S said...

Congratulations Debbie, great blog candy! great blog!

bissecat said...

Congrats to you ,you have greit blog.And amazing candy.Migren i now i have to.

gengen said...

Oh this is awesome giveaway. Thanks for this I follow you and blog this giveaway here:

Gardenia said...

WOW only a year of stampin and your stuff is awesome. I recently became a SU demo and have gotten bitten by the stamp bug too. I hope that when my year is up I am as good at it all as you! It definetly is an addictive thing. I love your blog and am adding it to my favourites right now so I can keep coming back! Have a wonderful day!

Lori said...

I adore snowflakes! How wonderful! I pray you are feeling better now. Thanks for the opportunity to win - I am only a beginning blogger... so nice to hear about your success : D

Anonymous said...

I very much like your candy!

A Consuming Passion said...

Congratulations on your 1st year - how time flies when fun is to be had!!!

pamacsdesign said...

Hi Debbie
Happy first blogoversary.
great blog candy!

Karyn S said...

Hi Debbie, congratulations. I get so much inspiration from the lovely cards on your blog!

Ελευθερία said...

Hi... congratulations for your work and I really found some very interesting things in your blog!!
thank you for the opportunity to win something!!!
keep up the good work!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your first blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win.
Greetings from Ireland

Magda said...

Thanks for the chance to win these fantastic things.
Magda :)

Nova said...

That is one great prizes, this would be so much fun...

Supernova said...

This is great. good luck to everyone...

Spices of Life said...

#148 is fabulous...

Anonymous said...


congrats on your blogoversary- your snowflakes sre wonderful!
Thanks for chance to win

elborgi from germany

BlackBird said...

Glückwunsch zum Bloggeburtstag, und noch viele mehr. Danke für die Chance dieses super Candy zu gewinnen.

Moni said...

#151 Hope I am lucky! ;)
Fab candy and I linked you on my blog! Hugs,Moni

Monique Kools said...

Hello Debbie ,
what a great candy, yummy yummy.
I will follow you from now on.
Greetings Monique Kools

Heike's Creativeplace said...

153# Wow, Debbie what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar.......


Nikki said...

# 154
Hi Debbie Your Blog is just fantastic and those snowflakes in your candy are beautiful
I have posted your Candy Here in my sidebar
Thanks You For the Chance
Hugs ♥ Nikki C ♥

Denimo said...

Hi Debbie. Great blog! You should be so proud! And I love the candy. Congrats on your first year. Thanks so much!

Karyn S said...

Cobgratulations Debbie, What a great achievement!!!

Anita said...

Many congratulations on your blogoversary Debbie, I am a very new blogger myself and look forwards to reaching my 1st year milestone ( only another 11 months to go LOL) I am in awe of your awesome snowflakes...truly beautiful. I look forwards to following your blog and gaining inspiration from you.
Warmest wishes