This month has seen the most devastating bushfires in Australia's history. People from all walks of life have generously given what they could to help those who have lost loved ones and/or everything they own. Rebuilding lives will be an ongoing effort for many months if not years.
My dear crafting friend Lisa Hjulberg from
The Craft's Meow has emailed me with an idea for a fundraiser with 100% of profits going to the
Australian Red Cross Bushfire Appeal. Last year
Peggysue and
Jenn Balcer, crafters from SCS set up a non raffle to help the victims of the Midwest floods in the US. These same wonderful crafters have offered to help Lisa and myself set up a non raffle for our Aussie fire victims. The fact that the US Stamping community is willing to help our Aussie victims shows how far reaching this disaster has been felt.
What we desperately need to make it a success is prizes. So I am asking for donations of papercrafting supplies and/or beautiful hand crafted items from companies and individuals. Lisa will be co-ordinating the donation of prizes in the US, while I am organising Australian support. If you can help please email me by February 28th as we would like to get the non raffle up and running in early March. We ask that you take a photo of your prize to be pictured in the Prize Gallery and email it on to either myself or Lisa for inclusion in the gallery. There will be a separate winner for each prize. Once the non raffle is drawn and won, we then ask you to post that item to the winner with the p&h costs being part of your generous donation. With respect to postage please be aware this will be an international fundraiser and the winners could come from anywhere.
The link is in the process of being set up at SCS and I'll let you know when it's up. If you can't help with a prize donation please consider entering the non raffle. We're also trying to organise a logo for this fabulous event so watch out for that. Please also feel free to advertise it on your own blogs!
And here is the link from the flood non raffle so you can see how it was done -
In my experience crafters are some of the most generous people I've known and I can't thank you enough for your consideration of support for this worthy cause.